Monday, December 30, 2013

My puppets and I

My first puppets in Cuba

It's true that I'm too old to play with dolls. But the day I discovered puppetry I couldn't stop dreaming about it. In Cuba, after nine years of study in Economics and Accounting, I made a drastic change in my career. What it meant starting all over and from scratch. I changed the calculator for a backpack full of puppets and paper mache musical instruments. I worked as a clown at birthday parties, theater and a circus troupe . Then I joined the National Puppet Theater in Havana. It took six years to lift the first foundations of my career as an artist, with the difficulty of not being able to be assessed because I didn't come from an art school . But like me, there are many artists in my country, which over time they've became recognized. Although my prize was always the smile of the kids.

The first puppets I build

Pepitin the poet

With my fellow clown in America's theater, Hav. Cuba

In 2010, I left for the U.S. to join my family . My colleagues told me: " say goodbye to the puppet stage and the audience." Even though I packed my puppets and my guitar. The first months in a new place there are many changes. The language becomes a terrifying barrier and culture is an obstacle when doing what I do. It took me three years to break the ice. Two months to assemble a story and a few minutes into the show to remember the joy of making the children laugh.

My guitar and I in Tampa, Fl


My first presentation could not be in a better place: the daycare and preschool: Spanish For Fun Accademy ( SFFA ). Located in Chapel Hill, NC where I live. Chapel Hill is a university town and cultural movement is very diverse and broad, which is very favorable for my artistic carrier.

I want to thank the group of  Spanish For Fun Accademy, for all their support and for giving me space. The parents who gave some of their time to come and enjoy the show. To my friends, who helped during the production. And my friend Diana for giving me the push I needed .


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