Saturday, May 10, 2014

Visiting Puerto Rico (Part II)

As we say in Cuba, if I was Puerto Rican I wouldn't love Puerto Rico and its people, as I love them being Cuban. Two very pimpernels ladies I met at a boutique in Les Saites, told me this poem by Lola Rodriguez de Tio; some will erroneously awarded to our national poet José Martí:

Cuba and Puerto Rico are
of a bird the two wings;
they receive flowers or bullets
on the same heart .

Cuba and Puerto Rico were born sisters. Our people, culture, music, are so identical. I can now understand why many of the Puerto Rican exiles in the nineteenth century went to Cuba and Cubans who left the island after the 60s, settled in Puerto Rico. When I walked the streets of Old San Juan I was thinking about my Old Havana, the cobblestones in the streets, the plazas and forts, how many slaves died in raising these walls we worship today. San Juan shines in its restored colors by the sponsored of the colony, my old Havana gradually deteriorates, despite slow restoration work, which include mostly public buildings in the tourist area.

Salvador Brau Square

Salvador Brau, monument

Ponce de León, Monument

Square Ponce de León

Totem Telúrico de 13 metros de altura, por el escultor puerto riqueño, Jaime Suarez Toro, innagurado en 1992, para conmemorar el 500 aniversario del descubrimiento de las Américas por Cristobal Colón. Plaza del Quinto Centenario en el Viejo San Juan

Escuela de Arte
Antiqua entrada a la ciudad

Plaza de las palomas

Esculturas de bronce en la plaza de las palomas

At night, San Juan vibrates like a trembling heart, butterflies fluttering in my stomach. The streets are filled with beautiful girls walking arm in arm with their handsome boyfriends, or simply accompanied by family or friends. All fashion dressed in the Caribbean style, the color living in the buildings, flowers and native animals. There was music everywhere, all night. It was Easter, holiday weekend. Puerto Rico was on the streets, enjoying the city. The music reminds me so much of my land, sounds just as good as the Cuban salsa.

It felt like being in Cuba a little, Jim spent confundiedo tode travel with at Habana Vieja, whenever we talked of San Juan. 


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